Club History

Whitby Tennis Club was founded by the local community in 1975. It has seen many changes. 

Major milestones for the Club include;

Consortium calls for interested parties to form a tennis club. Land is set aside
 1974 Group formed to set up Club
1975 Club formed
1976 Club is incorporated
1977 Courts 1 & 2 are completed and the club is operating with a membership of 150
1978 New club rooms completed by the club. Whitby Tennis Club is now one of the largest in the Kapi-Mana area
1983 The joint development of courts 3 & 4 completed with the Hutt County Council, Porirua City Council and Whitby Tennis Club. Each party contributed a third to the cost of the courts
1988 Major extensions to the clubhouse are completed. These were funded by the Whitby Tennis Club and a small loan from the Westpac Bank, which was guaranteed by PCC. The Club Rooms are now valued at $100,000
Now the largest club in the Kapi-Mana association with 110 members. Of these 65 are juniors and this number is growing each year. The club’s future strength lies with its juniors (with this in mind the club recently purchased a ball machine for the training of juniors)
2010 Courts 1 & 2 are resurfaced with rebound synpave
2019 Record amount of 10 teams (Seniors & Juniors) registered for Interclub
2024 Courts 3 & 4 are resurfaced with rebound synpave
7 Junior Interclub Teams are entered, and 5 senior Interclub Teams
2025 98 children registered for junior coaching, 9 Junior Interclub Teams are entered

Club Champions from 1977/78 to present can be viewed on the Honours Board.